How To Rehydrate Wood Floors [Simple DIY Process]

If your wood floor is exposed to excessive dampness, it could suffer significant damage; the same is true if it becomes dried out or dehydrated.

When wood floors get dehydrated, they might experience shrinkage, cupping, creaking, gapping, and cracking, among other problems.

As a result of their low level of elasticity, wood floors are susceptible to expansion and contraction when exposed to excessive moisture; as the floor expands, gaps and cracks are formed on the surface of the floor.

If you find that your hardwood flooring is becoming too dry, you must learn how to rehydrate wood floors and apply those as early as possible in order to avoid any further difficulties from occurring.

Rehydrating wood floors can be accomplished using hot water, water-based polyurethane, vinegar, or a humidifier, among other methods.

This provides the flooring with the exact amount of moisture it requires.

How Do You Know If Your Wood Floors Are Dehydrated?

It is possible for wood flooring to dry out and contract when an excessive amount of moisture is removed from the floor.

If this is not addressed immediately, it might result in a variety of issues. Several of the following indications may suggest that the wooden floor is excessively dry:

Splintering & Splitting

No matter what the condition of your hardwood floor is, it can be adversely affected by low humidity levels. Splintering, cracking, and splitting can occur as a result of the wood becoming weaker and more brittle.

The affected boards would need to be completely replaced in order to restore the floor’s original appearance if damaged in this way.


Wood planks can dry up and shrink as a result of high temperatures and low humidity, leaving gaps between them.

Gaps are usually minor and undetectable, although in some circumstances they are fully undetectable and completely undetectable.

As for wooden floor gapping, this indicates the dehydration of the surface.

Best Tools Required & How To Rehydrate Wood Floors

As previously said, wood floors have been in use for hundreds of years. There have been numerous ways established throughout the years that range from a very easy application to more sophisticated methods that have been discovered via scientific research.


All of your furniture should be moved out of the way prior to beginning the rehydration process. Once this is finished, you can begin removing the dust and any liquid that has accumulated.

Dust and liquid can be cleaned with a broom or vacuum cleaner; dust and liquid can be removed with a mop and permitted to dry completely before beginning to rehydrate your flooring.

Once the floor has been thoroughly cleaned, you can begin the rehydration process.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using Vinegar

Using white vinegar to rehydrate wooden floors is one of the most prevalent methods of rehydrating wood floors. It is inexpensive and really simple to prepare and put on the floor.

Prepare a 1:10 solution of white vinegar and water in a mop bucket by mixing the two ingredients together. It is acceptable to use cold or normal water.

Because vinegar is acidic by nature, the ratio of dilution with water is higher. Using a damp mop, dunk it into the solution and wring it dry thoroughly before using it on the floor to prevent over-saturating with excess humidity before using it.

As a result, it is preferable to use a mop that is reasonably dry because it will offer enough humidity to get absorb the wood.

Dryness causes fractures and fissures in the solution, which allows water from the solution to seep through and begin the rehydration process.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using Humidifiers

Humans, dogs, and wood floors all benefit from humidifiers because they make the air more comfortable for everyone.

When it comes to wood flooring, it is preferable to use a humidifier that will keep moisture levels between 30 and 60 percent constant.

If you have the budget, you should consider installing a humidifier. The humidifier will help to maintain the desired level of humidity in the room by introducing additional moisture into the atmosphere.

Humidifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are usually used to increase the amount of moisture in the air.

You have three options for humidifiers: evaporative humidifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers, and steam humidifiers. In order to release vapor into the air, they employ a variety of methods.

Once this occurs, your floor will begin to slowly absorb moisture from the air in order to achieve equilibrium with its surroundings, and you can monitor the size of gaps on a daily basis to see the impact.

However, you must monitor over time in order to avoid causing the moisture becomes excessive.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using Boiled Water

If you have a fireplace or stove in your room, this method will work better for you. For this, fill a large pot halfway with water and set it on the stove’s highest heat for a couple of hours or overnight.

After that, turn on the stove. As the water boils as a result of the heat generated by your stove’s steam, the burner is released into the atmosphere, raising the relative humidity of the room in which you are cooking.

The surplus moisture from the air is subsequently absorbed by the wood flooring material, which revitalizes the space in the process. This procedure is analogous to that of using a humidifier.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using A Hygrometer

You can easily keep track of the relative humidity levels in your house with this device, which measures relative humidity. A strong recommendation for this. An item like this can be purchased at the local shop.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using Oil-based Polyurethane

Oil-based polyurethane is aesthetically more appealing, and deeper. It resembles the look of the hardwood and meets our expectations.

Water-based polyurethane has a duller tint and a duller finish than solvent-based polyurethane. Oil-based polyurethane is less expensive than water-based polyurethane.

Because water-based materials are more expensive, you will often pay between 10 and 25 percent extra for them.

Oil-based polyurethane, on the other hand, is a little more difficult to apply when compared to water-based polyurethane.

Process Of Rehydrating Wood Floors Using Water-Based Polyurethane

Using a water-based polyurethane, you can rehydrate your wood floors and bring them back to their former sheen and luster, without damaging them.

It is also possible to reduce moisture loss from wood materials owing to evaporation when using these types of treatments.

It also has a clear finish and a minimal odor, which is beneficial. Water-based polyurethane has the additional advantage of drying reasonably quickly – often within two hours – which allows you to apply numerous coats in a single day.

The application process is simpler than that of oil-based polyurethane finishes, and it is compatible with vinegar cleaning, which aids in the achievement of a smoother finish for the surface.

A water-based coat dries significantly more quickly than an oil-based coat. A few coats of paint may be dried and applied in a matter of hours.

Everything may be put back in its proper place, and your room will be ready to be occupied the same day, with no odor left behind.

It could take up to 24 hours for an oil coat to cure completely, and it could take several days for the odors to dissipate.

Process Of Applying Polyurethane To Wooden Floors

A lambswool applicator is the best tool for oil-based polyurethane application to wood floors since it is gentle on the wood.

In comparison to a paint roller, this accessory is far more effective at spreading polyurethane uniformly throughout the surface, although a paint roller can be used with water-based materials as well.

Remove any hair, lint, or other debris from the surface of the lambswool before applying it with a lambswool applicator.

To do this quickly and easily, tape the surface using painter’s tape and then peel it off with your fingers. All of the debris will adhere to the tape, ensuring that it does not wind up on your floor when the tape is applied.

Natural bristle brushes are ideal for cleaning nooks and crannies such as skirtings, corners, and other crevices. It is entirely on you if you find a 3″ or a 5″ brush to be the most comfortable to use.

Simply said, a finishing brush should be used rather than a conventional paintbrush.

Maintenance Tips

After rehydrating the floor, keep in mind the following advice to keep the floor’s beauty and shine for as long as possible:

  1. Under no circumstances can water be applied to a hardwood surface, particularly towards a parched floor surface. Regardless matter the level of obvious dehydration on your dehydrated floor, you should avoid applying water directly to it. Instead, increase the amount of moisture in the air to rehydrate the floor, as the floor would absorb moisture in a safe manner that way.
  2. A hygrometer could be used to determine the relative humidity level. Use and calibration should be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The ideal moisture level should be around 50 percent; any figure higher or lower than that is excessive and unsuitable for the environment. The presence of excess moisture indicates the occurrence of mold, mildew, and several different conditions associated with excessive moisture. The values below this ideal threshold, on the other hand, indicate severe dehydration.
  3. Whatever rehydration method you use, shielding your wooden floor from direct sunlight is essential. Excessive exposure to the sun, particularly direct sunlight, can cause the floor to become dehydrated.

Final Verdict

Protecting and caring for your wood floor is an important part of maintaining the health of your home. It is necessary to find a method of rehydrating wood flooring once they have been completely dried out.

It is critical to keep the humidity levels in the rooms at an appropriate level. You can restore the beautiful appearance of the floor and ensure that it lasts for a long time.

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