How To Remove Haze From Hardwood Floors [Quick & Easy]

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Are you confused and tired of looking for the perfect guide on how to remove haze from hardwood floors? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Home decor and improvement is a tedious job. Still, for the mesmerizing appeal of the home, both exterior and interior, and adding more value to the house, these two are essential.

In addition to the structure of the house, the design, and all other decorative items, flooring also plays a crucial role in deciding the look and functionality of a house.

Therefore flooring should always be considered as one of the important parts of the home improvement project when maintenance is under question.

According to homeowners and experts, one of the best options for flooring is engineered hardwood. They are long-lasting and simple to clean and maintain.

Despite maintaining the flooring with care, sometimes the look of the same becomes dull. The reason is the haze. It is very possible that your floor is perfectly functional, but the look of the same is no more like before because of the haze.


When the haze starts to emerge on your floor, you know something’s wrong (like your dog’s pee soaked into it). It’s reasonable to wonder why this is happening and what you can do to clear your floor of the haze.

You’ve come to the correct place because we’ve got all the information and detailed steps on how to remove haze from hardwood floors. To remove haze from engineered hardwood floors, jump right in! You might also read a detailed well-researched guide on amazing deck sealers reviewed by our industry experts.

Stay with us all the way to the end!

How To Remove Haze From Hardwood Floors

Now when you have learned about the possible reasons for the haze in the floor, it is time to shift to the removal process. The possible reasons will help you prevent any future problems, but you are here to find a solution. Hence, let’s get to the main point.

Use Of Mayonnaise & Olive Oil

These are something that every household has. Mayonnaise and olive oil are common ingredients for cooking purposes, so the cleaning process following the same would be enjoyable.

To describe the condition of a hardwood floor where there is trapped moisture between or beneath the finish layers, the word “blushing” is appropriate. It’s common practice to smear mayonnaise or olive oil over smudges in the flooring.

At first glance, this may appear a little far-fetched, but consider the underlying science:

Water gets displaced because it is lighter than oil, and the two don’t mix. Where else can the water travel but to the top, where it will be greeted by mayonnaise? Bonding and high-fives ensue. The other follows where the first went.

Inevitably, the water moves away with the mayonnaise when it’s removed. There will be no more blushing. Are you interested to know about the drawback of epoxy floorings? read our comprehensive guide on it.


  • Remove all carpets, furniture, and other clutter from the space.
  • Mop with a damp mop and a broom.
  • Spread a layer of mayonnaise over the afflicted area of the wooden floor using the rubber spatula. About 18″ to 14″ thick.
  • Allow the mayonnaise to sit for an hour before using.
  • Using a pair of paper towels, clean the floor of mayonnaise. The number of paper towels can’t be fixed because it may vary based on the affected area.
  • Remove any oily residue by moist mopping. Use the side that has a short-napped part of the mop pad.
  • Wipe until the floor is completely dry with the mop pad’s long-napped side.
  • Repeat the procedure if any haze remains. Use your best judgment or best guess to adjust the amount of time between mayonnaise application and removal.

Use Of Vinegar

Vinegar is another common remedy for stained hardwood floors. Many wood flooring manufacturers and experts prohibit it. It’s not just us.

Although some household goods are harmful, this is not always the case, although there is a growing idea. Acidic cleaners are safe to use on floors, provided they’re used in a diluted form with water. So, this is the best course of action.

Wood floors can be cleaned without harm by diluting battery acid with water. However, no one appears to think about utilizing that for floor cleaning. Maybe it’s because battery acid isn’t something you’ll find in your kitchen cupboard.

Regardless of the reasoning, many people are adamant that white vinegar is safe to use. In the absence of irreversible staining and cloudiness on coated wood floors, this may be the case.

Nonetheless, this is an excellent spot to offer guidance on how to test out new ideas in an unnoticeable region of your floor.


  • Rubbish and other clutter should be cleared away.
  • The floor should be thoroughly swept and dusted.
  • In a bucket, combine all of the ingredients.
  • Take a pail of water and wring out the mop until it’s nearly dry.
  • Using an S-pattern, sweep the mop across the foggy region of the hardwood floor.
  • Make sure to dry the floor with a microfiber towel as you go so that the floor doesn’t dry on its own and leave stains.

Use Of Steam Cleaner

For persistent stains (like black water) and dirt and dust on hardwood floors, steam cleaning is still the best option. To remove the white haze from hardwood floors, use steam cleaning. Aside from disinfecting the floor, it also kills 99 percent of household bacteria and eliminates bug infestations on the floor.

To keep your hardwood floors clean and avoid damaging them, always use the premium quality steam mop for cleaning hardwood floors. Another major advantage of steam cleaning is that it doesn’t utilize harsh chemicals, making it suitable for pets and children.

Steam cleaners can only be used on floors that have been sealed. Avoid damaging and leaving white and dull spots or on your floor by not over-steaming one area. Do you have laminate floors and make them shine? check this detailed article on it.

Use Of Ammonia-Based Solution

When it comes to getting rid of hard-to-remove dirt, ammonia is an excellent choice. The smell of ammonia is one of the less remarkable aspects of this chemical. Ammonia should be used with caution. When using ammonia, always dilute it before using it, and never mix it with chlorine.


  • Sweep mop the area to eliminate any remaining dirt and dust.
  • Fill the bucket to the halfway point with warm water.
  • The solution should be thoroughly dissolved.
  • Gently rub out the affected region with the mop in a circular motion while it is still damp.
  • Remove all traces of ammonia from the floor by carefully rinsing it.
  • With a clean, dry cloth, blot it dry.

Use Of Mineral Spirit

To get rid of the haze on wood floors, you need to remove the old wax coat. The process of getting rid of old wax isn’t straightforward. Use mineral spirit and a rag to remove the haze and restore the floor’s brightness.

Remove Of Haze With Concentrated Chemical

There are two other ways to get rid of the unsightly haze except removing the entire finish. Using one of these two options, the haze can be eliminated when the wood and the finish are left untouched if done correctly. Both solutions provide disinfectant properties.

3% Hydrogen Peroxide

A cleaning solution without hydrogen peroxide would be incomplete. It cleans, disinfects, and is odorless, and it’s an excellent value for the money. Dark brown containers are usually always used to sell the solution.

As the hydrogen peroxide is light-sensitive, this is the reason behind this. In addition, it has a life of six to twelve months. Hydrogen peroxide cleans, disinfects, and revitalizes hardwood floors, even if they are covered in haze.

To get rid of haze from the hardwood floors, use hydrogen peroxide.


  • Get rid of everything from the work area, including any rugs or furniture.
  • Clean the floor with a damp mop and a broom.
  • Fill the empty spray container halfway with the hydrogen peroxide and shake it up.
  • Spray the floor in two-by-two-foot chunks with peroxide.
  • Allow the peroxide to sit for a few seconds before drying.
  • Work the haze out with the wet mop pad.
  • Spray some more this time around.
  • The side of the chenille mop pad should be used to dry the floor after scrubbing. You may need to invest a small amount of time and effort into it.
  • The microfiber mop pad should often be changed throughout the cleaning process until the floor is entirely debris-free.

Ammonia-Based Or Ammonia-Free Cleaner

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean a variety of surfaces. Use an ammonia-free cleaner instead of peroxide to clean your windows. Use a standard ammonia-based cleaner rather than if this doesn’t get rid of the haze.

Remove all the haze from the wooden floors before reintroducing your rugs and furnishings back into your home.

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Reasons For Formation Of Haze On The Floor?

When you notice the weird haze on your floor, you may wonder what is causing this. Well, you have to find out the answer to this because until you don’t have the reason, you can’t get the solution. The solution is always found from the root cause.

It’s possible for engineered hardwood floors to develop haze for a variety of reasons. It’s critical to know what’s causing your issue before attempting to get a remedy for it. Here is a list of probable reasons that caused your floor haze.

Use Of Inappropriate Cleaning Solutions

The most common cause of haze on engineered hardwood floors is the use of the wrong cleaning solutions. Floor cleaning products abound in the marketplace. People often make the wrong choice when it comes to flooring.

Do your research before using any cleaning products, and make sure you know what kind of floor you have before you get started. The chemicals in your cleaner are especially important to check if you have a wood-based floor because wood-based floors are more vulnerable to damage.

Product selection can be difficult. Oil-based cleansers should be avoided if you have hardwood floors. The oils react with the polyurethane seal, causing it to degrade. Because of this, oil can seep into the subfloor and cause problems.

Additionally, you should avoid using any waxes, oil soaps, or floor polishes. These items can leave behind a residue on your floor. This resulted in a hazy white appearance on the floor.

Water is a component of certain cleaning solutions. The water splatters the hardwood floor. A buildup of residue might occur if you use too much cleaner on the floor.

In order to avoid these markings, use the cosmetics as sparingly as possible. The best thing to do is to seek advice from an expert.

Keep Reading: Perfect Solution For Sticky Floorings

Excess Use Of Cleaning Products

There is a notion that more cleaning products can clean the floor better. This is a wrong concept. No matter what type of cleaner you are using, there is a measurement for its usage for a certain area. If you overdo the same, you have to pay later. Here the pay is the obvious haze.

Detergent or any other cleaning is sufficient to remove grime and residue from a hardwood floor. However, the majority of us believe that using more cleaning chemicals than necessary will aid in the removal of dirt.

Because of the cleaner’s overuse, the floor’s surface appears murky or hazy. As a result, refrain from over spraying your surface with cleaners. A good cleanser should be used, and the floor should be brushed lightly thereafter.

Non-Recommended Application Of Finish

The finishing of the floor is a critical step in the installation process that you need to follow strictly. You can go for DIY methods and get an appealing finish, but you can’t skip the instructions to prevent any further trouble. Here, you have to make sure that there is no air bubble to spoil the finish.

When applying the finish, bubbles of air can get caught. Unsightly cloudiness may be visible beneath the floor’s polish. Keep in mind that this might also happen if the finish coating is applied on an uneven surface.

Excess Use Of Wax

It is possible to maintain some floors glossy and clean by waxing them. It is, however, important to note that you can’t apply wax on any engineered hardwood floor.

A buildup of wax on the floor can be caused by excessive waxing. This might develop over time into a hazy white layer on the floor.

Deposits Of Salt On Floor

Chemical cleaning treatments frequently contain salts. Excessive usage of these salts might produce a cloudy appearance to the floor finish. Accidental spills of salt can also occur. The accumulation of residue on the flooring can be a problem if these aren’t taken care of right away.

Trapped Moisture

Insufficient time given for the drying process between varnish layers is most likely to blame for any cloudiness you see after the floor has been refinished. To get rid of the white haze on your hardwood floor, start by not doing anything. Moisture could evaporate in a matter of days.

Brief About Hardwood Floors

Engineered hardwood flooring is an excellent place to start. A layer of plywood is sandwiched between two layers of wood in engineered hardwood flooring.

These floorings are far more resistant to wear and tear than traditional solid hardwood floors. Each layer is laid on top of the other in different ways.

Over regular hardwood, engineered floors have many advantages. These are more sanitary and easy to maintain. They can be made in any color and design you like.

Matte, gloss, and plain options are available. If you decide to go with hardwood flooring for your house, make sure you consult with an esteemed company so that the same material is good enough, no matter whether you install it yourself or with the help of professionals.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up…

DIY is very popular these days for many homeowners because of the scope of cutting costs. Everyone knows how a professional company may charge you for a job like home improvement.

To be honest, home improvement is a large area that encompasses everything you do for your house after purchasing it. It can be some installations, removal, improvisation, and everything else.

Flooring is also a crucial part of home improvement that costs quite a hefty amount if professional help is opted for. However, with adequate research and following the guidelines from experts you can easily perform the job on your own.

If you have to be cautious about the product and equipment you are using because that determines the outcome. On an ending note, we would like to tell you that the methods mentioned above on how to remove haze from hardwood floors are the fruit of professional recommendations.

With our research, we have come up with a list of the safe methods that any homeowner may perform with proper safety gears and the right types of equipment.

Hence, if you don’t want to let a good amount of money away from your account, you can strictly try these methods to adhere to the instructions, and we are hopeful that will serve your purposes. All the best!!

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